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Polynucleotide Treatments

Revitalize Your Skin with Polynucleotide Therapy in Limerick

Polynucleotide Treatments in Limerick

What Are Polynucleotide Treatments?

Polynucleotides are complex chains of nucleotides which are the fundamental building blocks of of DNA & RNA which are the building blocks of our skin.
As we age, we lose vital regeneration of our skin cells with a decline in collagen & elastin leading to wrinkles and skin laxity.

How Do Polynucleotide Treatments Work?

Polynucleotides injected into the skin help with cellular repair boosting collagen & elastin. Boosting collagen production provides structural support & firmness to the skin.

Improving skin elasticity (when you stretch the skin & release it it snaps back quickly to its origin). Increases hydration by improving the skins capacity to retain moisture, leading to a more hydrated & plump appearance. Improves texture & smoothness. Improves the repair & renewal of skin cells especially skin damaged by environmental factors, helping to mitigate the effects of ageing accelerated by external stressors eg uv radiation. Reduces scars eg acne. Improves pigmentation. Improves redness eg Rosacea. This tackles the cause rather than tackling the effect (eg filling a wrinkle with filler.

Polynucleotides are especially effective:

Protocol: a course of at least 3 treatments 3-4 weeks apart


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During your consultation at my Limerick clinic, I will assess your skin concerns and discuss your aesthetic goals. We will collaborate to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

Your Polynucleotide Treatment Journey


In the initial consultation, I will evaluate your skin and discuss any previous treatments you've undergone. Understanding your skin's unique characteristics is crucial for tailoring the treatment to your specific needs.


Topical local anaesthetic is used to numb the skin. This makes it almost painless.


The Polynucleotide treatment involves injecting a polymerized injectable gel into the targeted area. The procedure is quick, typically lasting around 45 minutes, and is designed to be as comfortable as possible.


Following the treatment, you may experience minimal discomfort or redness, which usually subsides quickly. I will provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure optimal healing and results.

Cryotherapy Liquid Nitrogen Treatment Limerick
Dr. Margie Lynch


For Polynucleotide Treatments

10-15 mins

Gradual improvement over several weeks


None Required

€ 300

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Most Common Queries:
Here’s What I’m Often Asked About Polynucleotide Treatments

Polynucleotides are complex structures formed by the linkage of nucleotides, the basic units of genetic material in our cells. In aesthetic medicine, polynucleotides derived from salmon DNA are used for their excellent biocompatibility and potent regenerative abilities. They stimulate cellular growth and the repair of damaged tissues, making them highly effective in skin rejuvenation.

These treatments work by providing a direct boost of polynucleotides to the skin. This initiates a cascade of cellular events, including the activation of fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin – key proteins responsible for skin elasticity and firmness. Additionally, polynucleotides attract and bind water molecules, significantly enhancing skin hydration and texture.

Polynucleotide therapy stands out for its ability to improve skin elasticity, reduce fine lines, and enhance overall skin texture and hydration. It’s particularly beneficial in areas where the skin is thin and delicate, such as around the eyes. The treatment also promotes long-term skin health by encouraging natural regenerative processes.

Unlike traditional dermal fillers that primarily add volume, polynucleotides focus on enhancing the skin’s intrinsic qualities. They provide a more natural and holistic improvement, aiding the skin’s self-repair and rejuvenation mechanisms, rather than just filling in lines or wrinkles.

Polynucleotide treatments are well-tolerated with a low risk of adverse reactions. The most common side effects are temporary and include mild swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection site. The risk of allergic reactions is minimal due to the biocompatibility of the polynucleotides used.

A standard treatment protocol includes 3-4 sessions, each spaced a month apart. This allows the skin to gradually respond to the therapy, building upon the regenerative effects of each session. The exact timeline can vary based on individual skin conditions and the area being treated.

Ideal candidates are those seeking to improve skin quality, particularly individuals showing early signs of aging, experiencing skin dehydration, or wanting to enhance areas with thin, delicate skin like the under-eye region.

Before undergoing treatment, I recommend clients avoid anti-inflammatory drugs and certain supplements that may increase bleeding risk. Keeping the skin well-hydrated and avoiding excessive sun exposure prior to treatment is also advised.

The session involves carefully mapping the treatment area and then administering the polynucleotide solution via fine needles. The process is typically well-tolerated, with some clients experiencing a brief, mild discomfort.

Following treatment, it’s important to avoid strenuous exercise and extreme temperatures for a few days. I also recommend gentle skincare products and sun protection to support the healing process.

While most clients report minimal discomfort, I ensure the treatment is as comfortable as possible. For those with sensitive skin, a topical anesthetic can be applied beforehand.

Polynucleotide therapy can be effectively combined with other treatments like micro-needling or laser therapy for comprehensive skin rejuvenation. This combination approach can address various skin concerns in a synergistic manner.

Typically, there is no significant downtime. Clients can return to their usual activities immediately, although it’s advisable to avoid makeup or harsh skincare products for the first 24 hours.
Improvement in skin texture and hydration is often noticeable within a few weeks after the initial treatment. Optimal results are usually observed after completing the full course of treatment, with continued improvement over time.
To maximize the benefits of polynucleotide treatments, maintain a consistent skincare routine, stay hydrated, and protect the skin from sun damage. Regular follow-up treatments can also help sustain the rejuvenating effects.
Topical local anaesthetic is used to numb the skin. This makes it almost painless.

There may be some swelling especially around the eyes & neck for a few days.

Swelling for a few days, minimal bruising.

Because the injections are only skin-deep bruising should be minimal. Bruising is more likely if you are taking aspirin, anti-coagulants, omega 3.

Book your consultation today.

Polynucleotide treatments at my Limerick clinic offer a unique solution for under-eye rejuvenation and overall skin revitalization. To explore how these treatments can benefit you, book a consultation today and take the first step towards a more youthful and radiant appearance.